full transcript

From the Ted Talk by TED-Ed: The surprising effects of pregnancy

Unscramble the Blue Letters

As a pregnancy progresses, the uterus expands upward and otuward with the growing fuets. To make room, hormones called progesterone and relaxin signal muscles to loosen. The mucesls that propel food and waste through the digestive tract also loosen, which makes them sluggish, causing constipation as passage through the tract slows down. Loosened muscles at the top of the stomach might allow acid to escape into the eapgoshus and throat, cainusg huebrratn and reflux. These changes can worsen morning scneksis, which is caused in part by hormone HCG— and can also happen at other times of day.

Open Cloze

As a pregnancy progresses, the uterus expands upward and _______ with the growing _____. To make room, hormones called progesterone and relaxin signal muscles to loosen. The _______ that propel food and waste through the digestive tract also loosen, which makes them sluggish, causing constipation as passage through the tract slows down. Loosened muscles at the top of the stomach might allow acid to escape into the _________ and throat, _______ _________ and reflux. These changes can worsen morning ________, which is caused in part by hormone HCG— and can also happen at other times of day.


  1. heartburn
  2. sickness
  3. causing
  4. fetus
  5. outward
  6. muscles
  7. esophagus

Original Text

As a pregnancy progresses, the uterus expands upward and outward with the growing fetus. To make room, hormones called progesterone and relaxin signal muscles to loosen. The muscles that propel food and waste through the digestive tract also loosen, which makes them sluggish, causing constipation as passage through the tract slows down. Loosened muscles at the top of the stomach might allow acid to escape into the esophagus and throat, causing heartburn and reflux. These changes can worsen morning sickness, which is caused in part by hormone HCG— and can also happen at other times of day.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
pregnant woman 3
blood pressure 3
immune system 2
red blood 2
blood cells 2

Important Words

  1. acid
  2. called
  3. caused
  4. causing
  5. constipation
  6. day
  7. digestive
  8. escape
  9. esophagus
  10. expands
  11. fetus
  12. food
  13. growing
  14. happen
  15. heartburn
  16. hormone
  17. hormones
  18. loosen
  19. loosened
  20. morning
  21. muscles
  22. outward
  23. part
  24. passage
  25. pregnancy
  26. progesterone
  27. progresses
  28. propel
  29. reflux
  30. relaxin
  31. room
  32. sickness
  33. signal
  34. slows
  35. sluggish
  36. stomach
  37. throat
  38. times
  39. top
  40. tract
  41. upward
  42. uterus
  43. waste
  44. worsen